Monday, July 7, 2014

Otherkin Phenomenon

Otherkin is a concept that different beings such as angels,aliens, gods, goddesses,fairies, and other creatures have the ability to reincarnate on Earth in a human body. I have been researching from the first day that I heard the term, "Star seed". It fascinated me. I had to know more. Now after years of research, I present to you, my blog. This page will contain some of the information I have found out in this field of study.

After researching the subject I have come to realize that I myself am a star seed, of Vegan Origins. I absolutely love this field of study and will also be putting my articles on this subject all through out the world wide web. I hope that all of you find it as fascinating as I do.

Let me say that I started this project back in 2000, when I first heard the term star seed and it lead down a road of discovering other beings too, which I now call anyone fitting into any of the different origins "Otherkin", meaning that they are of other relation in a spiritual way.

Here in India it is not as widely accepted in some of the ways it is in the states but we do have our own little belief of these happenings. So sit back and read my articles,enjoy, and learn from the answers I, Dev, ahve found out.

Thank you for reading this if you are!

Nate aka Deva or Dev for short.